3 Things That Can Make Granite Countertops Lose Their Shine

3 Things That Can Make Granite Countertops Lose Their Shine

by Clean Cut Stone

One of the most attractive qualities of granite countertops is their glossy finish. This look is achieved when the granite slab is being prepared for installation either through sandblasting or polishing the surface. Granite is one of the most durable stone materials available. However as is the case with all natural stone, granite countertops can undergo chemical and physical changes even after they’ve been installed in your home. There are several different reasons your granite countertops can lose their shine, however the good news is that all of them can be fixed with an appropriate treatment which will restore them to their full glossed glory.

Surface Stains and Etching

One of the most common problems with granite countertops is the appearance of surface stains and spots. They often look as though they’re embedded just underneath the surface and they have a dulling effect on the overall surface even if it still has its shine since the spots can distract the eye and draw it to these imperfections.

Different types of stains have different methods for dealing with them, so you should never try a general solution for dealing with them. Instead, figure out the cause and type of the stain and contact a professional for a solution suitable for your unique situation that you will be able to administer yourself. Etching, on the other hand, will require bringing in a stone restoration professional as that is the only way it can be repaired.

The Professional Finish Has Worn Off

This is another issue for which you will need a stone restoration professional. Granite sealers are great tools for maintaining the original shine and finish of your countertops; however, if the finish has worn off due to time or improper care, the sealer won’t be able to restore the shine to the surface.

Buildup of Soap

Granite countertops losing their shine due to a buildup of soap is a common issue for most bathroom countertops and showers, as well as parts of a kitchen countertop that are near the sink. If your countertops have been properly sealed, their shine hasn’t disappeared. It’s still there, just buried under a film of soap. This means that by removing the buildup you will restore the granite to its previous luster.

The removal of the buildup consists of two simple steps. The first thing you need to do is get a granite countertop cleaner use it to clean the countertop either with a soft nylon brush or with a scrubbing pad that is safe for stone. This will get rid of the surface layers of buildup without damaging the actual surface of the stone. The next step is to shave the buildup from the surface using a single-edge razor blade. Do this gently and carefully to avoid scratching the granite.


Permanent patina can form on all stone surfaces over the years. This is a common “problem” for older pubs whose bar tops have developed a patina; however in those cases the buildup can actually add character to the locale. However, a permanent patina in the home has the opposite effect. It can make your space look old, dated and unclean. Luckily, the buildup can be removed by stone restoration professionals. To avoid this problem in the future, make sure to regularly clean and seal all granite countertops, and they will maintain their shine.